Gia Scott-Heron
Poetess | Rapper | Singer | Event Hostess
Introducing Me
Scott Free
Please support our tour to share my fathers life long work so prevalent in todays society.
March 9th
Daughter of the Legend...Gil Scott-Heron
Life ain't no dress rehearsal...if you're gonna do it...get it DONE! ~Gia Scott-Heron
Miss Gia Louise Mitsuko Scott-Heron, who has come to be known as "Miss Gia"among friends and fans, has been writing songs and poetry since the age of 10. She began pursuing poetry full time after graduating with honors from Pitzer college in 2002. Her major, not surprisingly, was in English World Literature and Creative Writing. She has performed throughout Southern California at a variety of venues including: Spreadin' Love N Spoken Word, The World Stage, The Regent, 'Da Poetry Lounge, Remedy, Reflections, Shades of Afrika, Green, and Natural High to name a few. In 2005, she was chosen to host A Night of Spoken Word and Jazz for KJLH.
In 2006, she hosted a weekly open mic called BARRA (a Yoruban word meaning, speak it and it shall be). Over the years, she has published three books of poetry: Introducing Me, Scott Free, and Contagias and produced an LP called Souletree, a compilation of 12 of her favorite poems set to music.
In 2011, even after the untimely passing of her Father Gil Scott-Heron, Miss Gia continued to perform her inspiring poetry, having earned herself a spot on a Los Angeles Slam team. She went on the be featured in the Los Angeles Times, and travelled to Boston to compete at the National Poetry Slam being held there.
Today you can find Gia leading a band of Spoken Word Artists paying tribute to the legend Gil Scott-Heron.
Life Experience
March 2023 - Present
April 2017 - June 2017
“Bluesology” has been a labor of love, a catalyst for more healing, and an uplifting message that people need to hear now more than ever. I am so grateful to @ctuesdaytuesday for calling me, and encouraging me to embark on this journey.
I had already constructed my own solo performance presentation honoring my Dad, but it was so much more enjoyable working as an ensemble, with friends and colleagues of mine that I had known for years, but got to know on an even more personal level, through this show.
S/o to @lorenzowords , @dredconney , @yawowatts and @artusmansoir for adding your amazing voices, talent, time and energy to this project. Thank you
@oracle_speaks_truth for being a consummate professional, and our backstage mother-hen-manager, and keeping us in line . Thank you
@the_lynne_conner for your patience and your directorial skills.
@ctuesdaytuesday thank you for giving me a piece of my life back. It was a piece that I prematurely buried because sharing this piece (these pieces of my Dad) was too painful, and I didn’t know if anyone cared to listen. But now I know that they ARE listening.
Thank you for helping me to grow past the pain. I will always love you dearly for that. “Bluesology” will be back in 2024! Be ready to bear witness.
This Revolution IS LIVE!! Also, s/o to cast mate Clent bowers (whose IG handle is …). Also special thanks to sound man Stewart and Theater assistant Bobbie and @nspire2gohigher for your additional support in house. Your help was invaluable to us, and to me.
How it all began. These ladies helped me to get outta the damn house, and stop using my Pops death as an excuse to stop living my life every April, May and June. I give thanks for these wonderful women
Queens holding royal court in beautiful Val Verde a.k.a. "The Black Palms Springs". This is where Black folks vacationed back when they weren't allowed to vacation in Palm Springs. We had a fantastic time at their Memorial Day festival this weekend. It was a great way to honor Daddy, and be amongst other Queens like myself. Give thanks.